I don't know about you but my Christmas break is officially over Monday. But it's been a good break! It's been restful and up until yesterday, I had pushed any thoughts of work off to the side. It seems I always have school things running through my head - things to do the next day, a new idea to try, something I may have forgotten to do that day - it never seems to stop. So being able to push "stop" for a week and a half has been nice. But I'm also excited about seeing my kiddos again and getting back into the swing of things. I popped in for a few minutes on Monday to put my room back together after it had been painted the last day before the break. I still don't have anything put back on my walls but furniture is back in its place as well as rearranging a few things...just to give my room a bit of a fresh look. I read a great post by Tara West that got my brain back into school-mode. I can't find the post at the moment but she gave a few ideas of how to make the transition back to school a bit easier. One thing she suggested was rearranging furniture...just to change things up. I don't have copies made and I have a long list of to-do but thankfully Monday is inservice so I will be a busy bee getting everything ready for my kiddos coming back on Tuesday! It's going to be a great second semester!

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